Friday, August 24, 2007

What's 10x10?

That's the number of posts that i've hit my blog till this date. My examinations have ended, my hair is straight, and once again, i'm at that time of my life again.

Holidays. well its funny how sometimes everything seems to be going to cyclical order. in fact, i've been thinking so much about it, my poetic self kicked in.

"Wash, Rinse, Repeat (till)" - mathiaus

Knowing the path that i'm moving on,
as the road stretches long,
it strikes me suddenly
that it all remains the same

I guess they call it karma,
or even yin and yang,
but whatever happens anything goes
and things stay un-touched. unmoved, unchanged.

Sometimes i do wonder,
if destiny really exists,
because if all is pre-set, pre-planned, and pre-destined,
nothing really matters does it?

the books we read, the emotions we feel, the friends we make, the conversations we have, the money we make, the risks we take, the shows we watch, the activities we enjoy, the relationships we cherish, the partners we love, or once loved.

Some things we guard jealously,
others we share freely,
but what is right? what is human? what is natural?
self-preservation or sacrifice.

they say we often question ourselves,
decisions, existence, constraints.
but i would think their foundations lay
in how they affect everyone else.

so friend, my final words,
and things i would encourage:
Put others before self.
Often, you'll learn more this way.


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