Thursday, August 02, 2007

I have become comfortably numb.

I've a new fascination: Pink Floyd.

as well as reading wikipedia, playing solitaire, and listening to my extensive music collection. but i really shouldn't be using "as well as" because these aren't new. but hey, i'm too lazy to change what i've typed. ha, so much for breaking the fourth wall huh. for those of you who don't know what that means really, please use google or wikipedia. they are my best friends. online of course.

So a ton of things happened for the past 30 days or so. my class won the proposal for the "pseudo-nationaldayprogramme-thing", not that it really meant anything to the committee in-charge, but hey, i like winning. i have a dog now. well a puppy actually, he's really smelly, and hyperactive. kinda like most kids. i went to Malaysia to curl my hair. loving my locks more everyday. even more ever since i washed away the smell of chemical bleach. no more styling headache. but blow-dryer is required. academic drama also. group politics and dynamics. don't really wanna explain the dreadful parts but i'm happy to announce one thing.

All projects are over! I&E, LAM, PMKT. and national day trail's upcoming, but that's pretty much out of our hands now. holidays are coming, but right before that, exams. exciting times ahead.

Stagewerkz for bA_Comm is done too. Much success and all. I was trainer and judge. and i am lazy to blog about it now. just too much things to say, and no motivation to say them. maybe the next entry. and i really need to remove the "on-going events" element, i.e. the I&E event. because its no longer on-going. thank goodness really.

So. Let's give peace a chance, won't you? i know i always do.


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