Saturday, April 07, 2007

Dagonet rocked my world.

After a month's hiatus, i finally found a strong motivation to pen down my thoughts in here. No i have not disappeared into thin air. I was just busy preparing for the Ngee Ann Polytechnic Student Union Freshman Orientation Camp (try saying that out loud 5 times, really quick) otherwise known as NPSU FOC.

What's there to say? Dagonet is family.

A progress from strangers, to acquaintances, to friends, to buddies, to family. That's what we have become. People i've cried for, i've cried with, i've cried to. And yes, i did cry. Surprisingly. Having come from so little, and ended with so much. To see our hard work pay off. To see the strong bonds built between freshies.

All this within a span of 4 days and 3 nights. Incredible? I say with conviction. Yes.

I have so much to express, the love we have for everyone, freshies and leaders; But its more than words, much more than what mere words would be able to express. Its the kind of feeling that makes me want to go running to the highest point and screaming my lungs out, exuberently telling anyone who would care to hear what i want to announce.

How could i express the surge of emotions during the last days of FOC? How am i able to come up with a summary to aptly describe the journey the GLs have embarked on? No, i may be eloquent, but there are no written substitutes for the trials that we have been through.

Seeing freshies exuding enthusiam, taking the initiative to hype up the group. Gathering together to bond, to laugh, to cry. To provide support for one another. Just like a family. That is why the GLs are truly proud of you. We have somewhat become parents to our freshies. Because the love we feel for the freshies is just overwhelming.

Personally for me, i thought after my previous relationship, it would be so hard to love anything, or anybody again. To cry would not be surmountable. Dagonet has proved my assumptions wrong. To look back at everything from the start, the memories would strike me with tremendous emotion. I thank all the people involved in making NPSU FOC camp a possibility. The Camp Comm, Camp Crew (Excalibur), the GLs, the lao jiaos, and the freshies. All of you have impacted me in a unique way. To express individual thanks would take forever, so i'll choose to pass notes and cards.

Thank you Dagonet, for this happy chapter in my life.

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