Saturday, April 08, 2006

Remember this day.

Today's a rainy day, listening to "Starry Starry Night" brings back memories, nostalgia blinding my mind's eye. Over the course of my life, i must have interacted with more than a few thousand people. I am thankful for every single one of them, for with every encounter, i take along something important from that.

I realise it is true, every single one of you all out there, the ones i love, the ones i do not love, the ones i loved, the ones that love me, the people who sacrificed for me, the people i gave my time to, the people who stood by my worst times, the people who hate my guts; All of you i ought to thank. For i always come out better.

I'd like to say one thing, i'd rather you were my friends, than my enemies. Alas, not everybody thinks like me. and sorry's always the hardest thing to say, ain't it.

"For when no hope was left in sight, on that starry starry night, you took your life like lovers often do"


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