Sunday, August 06, 2006

i'm glad for technology.

that which brings us so much convenience definitely go into my good books. the best thing i like about my blackberry is that its just so intrusive. its way too big to ignore, and it reminds me of my appointments and dates. battery life is really long too when i don't go playing brickbreaker trying to best my high scores.

i guess its just the other side of the coin when i use the fancy smancy V3. its not too bright for a phone, but hey, its really thin. and there's an external screen, mp3 ringtones and camera.

then there's the 750i. its really good, does things well. and i do have a 2gb stick. but the k800 comes along to tempt me.

thing is i like all 3. and i really should carry just one with me. decisions decisions. sometimes i think i'm rather Libran.


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